Friday, April 19, 2013

The Debunking a Myth about Teachers

My badge of honour and inspiration.

This weekend I was part of a group of educators that prove teaching continues after the bell rings. Hundreds of teachers brushed the snow off the cars and arrived at a school at 7:30 on a Saturday morning to learn. I bought my ticket to this conference immediately after hearing about it at ECOO12 ; that was a smart choice as it not only sold out, it had a waiting list of over 100 disappointed educators. I learned more then what was presented at the various workshops. I learned that the passion for being better educators is alive and well. I met amazing educators and support staff of all ages from across Ontario, Quebec and even Michigan. Educators left their classrooms on Friday after school and began driving so that they could learn some new tools and approaches to make learning better for their students. At the Google Chrome Summit of Ontario, we explored a variety of Chrome apps. More importantly we learned a different way of thinking or possibly a different way of approaching learners. The new digital age is providing tools that can expand not just how but how many ways we can teach. It’s not about one method fits all; it’s about finding the right approach to maximize the learning impact both in and out of the classroom. Twitter was exploding with #gafesummit tweets from all of the workshops and presentations. Educators were tweeting to share with not only the educators attending but for the followers located worldwide. I was amazed to discover how far I was being followed. The world became a lot smaller this weekend and a lot brighter for learning.

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